The Animal Rescue Formula (ARF) features:
Arnica – Recovery from shock and trauma – embodiment and integration of energy bodies with the physical body following disruption and disassociation.
Bleeding Heart – To help heal abandonment and separation; to facilitate new bonding and connection following displacement.
Echinacea – To restore wholeness and dignity by rejuvenating the core immune system and sense of identity.
Fireweed – Recovery of vital forces following devastation, trauma, and injury.
Oregon Grape – To restore trust when violent, abusive or degrading circumstances have created defensive barriers.
Poison Oak – To restore capacity to be touched and natural vulnerability; to heal boundary or skin issues due to hyper-defensiveness and prior trauma.
Five-Flower Formula – Fundamental composite formula developed by Dr. Bach to provide relief in all rescue and recovery situations.
Holly – To encourage and restore basic loving impulses, bonding and connection; to facilitate heart-based relationships based upon trust.
Mariposa Lily – To provide mothering comfort and nurturing forces for abandoned or abused animals; to restore mothering instincts to female animals.
Red Clover – To help calm the heart and blood matrix; to ease anxiety or tendency to panic.
Sweet Pea – To instill new bonding and territorial instincts following displacement and abandonment.
Wild Rose – To bring new joy for life and will to live despite prior challenging circumstances.
- For any abandoned animal, whether feral or residing in a relief shelter.
- Any animal being adopted into a new home, or being given a new guardian or caretaker.
- For loss of the primary caretaker due to death, divorce or changes in the family system.
- The Anima Relief Formula was originally developed by FES-certified practitioner and animal communicator, Theresa Wagner.
- During any time of significant travel or re-location to a new home or living space.
- For any animal with a prior history of physical abuse, torture or abandonment.
- For performance or work animals who are exploited, or valued only for monetary worth or reproduction value.
- During times of prolonged illness, or extensive surgery; can be used in tandem or alternation with Magenta Self-Healer.
- For any time of pronounced stress in the animal – such as the prolonged absence of the primary caretaker or environmental disruption due to any natural disaster. Can be used in alternation or in tandem with Post-Trauma Stabilizer.
Please Read Item Label and Packaging for Recent Product Information.
Spray four times daily in mouth or around body.
*Note: All pictures shown are for illustration purposes only. Actual product may vary due to product enhancement.
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